I hate this word.
But it keeps popping up.
Who wants to be content? I want to be more than content. I want to be more than just merely satisfied.
In Hebrew 13, it says to be content with what you have.
And in Philippians 4, Paul learns to be content in whatever situation he is in. While writing this, he was in jail.
Maybe contentment is more than just being happy with what you have but really trusting in God instead of yourself.
Which is not any easier.
And I know that trust is not a virtue of mine.
But like Paul, contentment will not just happen overnight.
Here are more pictures!
Food! Going away breakfast for the missionary family who came to visit the school. They were the ones who also treated all the students to bowling!
Cute little bakery. Also very good.
Went to the lake with the family I'm staying with. It had a little market in the park surrounding it.
Also rode a bike around the park. Had not touched a bike since I was in middle school. Almost killed so many people. So many.
The family: the two girls on the right were adopted, I thought that was awesome! They all have the most unusual names, from left to right: Idea, Saxophone, Guitar, Cheetah, and Dew.
The church that I went to on Sunday offers a music program in which kids can learn how to play guitar, piano, violin, etc.
The church was also visited by a missionary team from Korea. They praised dance!
They also did a "movement piece". I was a little skeptic of it at first as seen by the Asian man dressed as Jesus in the back but it turned out to be really good. Ask me about it in person.
Turns out the majority of these missionaries were also doctors and nurses. Win!
They set up a clinic at the church.
They also offered acupuncture. Look closely at the woman's back and head! Ah!
Dinner that night consisted of sticky rice, shish kabob , and papaya salad. I tried the shish kabob made from chicken stomach without knowing!
In the states we call papaya salad "tham som", but here in Thailand it is "som tham". I get made fun of every time I call it "tham som"! Apparently "tham som", means that it hasn't been made yet.
And all this only cost 1 dollar!